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Our Core Values

Touch A Life Today

Our Vision Is To Develop Africa's Next generation of Leaders

Win The Fight On Poverty

Teach Habit Success Patterns

Winning the fight against poverty must begin with empowering communities with tools that promote self sustainability. Our grassroots program deploys the positive values associated with sport to teach lifetime values needed to break the poverty cycle. Investing in children's education is key to unlocking the nation’s economic prosperity across all sectors. Children need an exposure to habit success patterns to overcome social challenges & win the fight against poverty. Learn more...

Give Girls Bigger Voices

Level The Playing Field

In an environment were girls do not receive the same opportunities as boys, we are making tremendous progress in amplifying girls' voices to give them a place in society. The sports program is closing the gender gap & increasing gains for young girls by promoting equal participation in sports. Realigning the anomaly is a crucial step towards breaking social barriers, developing girls' self esteem, building self confidence, & transforming girls into goal getters & future impactful leaders. Learn more...

Unlock Communities Potential

Teach Them How To Fish

Every community has high growth potential embed in their cultures. Our philanthropic strategic efforts are laser focussed on unlocking functional potential in culturally sensitive & acceptable methods. Long term positive impact on under served communities begins with teaching sustainable means of operation. Our goal is to shift the dependence syndrome school of thought that drive most communities into self sufficiency. formulate programs that foster longevity, continuity, and sustainability. Learn more...

Promote Healthy Lifestyles

HIV/AIDS Awareness Drive

Creating a healthy and brighter future for children in under privileged communities must begin with a health centered conversation. While Africa is faced with numerous health challenges, the biggest threat to the well being of communities is the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Early intervention strategies play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of the disease. Child centered solutions will help future proof children from contracting the disease. Strong sense of urgency Underserved communities continue to battle numerous health challenges. The notorious being HIV/AIDS. It continues to create social challenges that rob kids the opportunity to enjoy their youth. Learn more...

No Child Plays Without

The Sports Gear Drive

Sport cannot be fun when you play barefoot. In positioning sport as a game changer for underserved children, we make a deliberate effort to provide basic sports gear. We collect gently used sports gear for use in our Organized Youth Programs in Zimbabwe. This has allowed children to learn & enjoy sport with confidence. Learn more...

Promote Education

Keep Children In School

Education is the cornerstone to poverty alleviation and long term prosperity. We believe that investing in the education of our children is key to unleashing economic prosperity across the board. A strong partnership with the target rural communal schools enables children to have direct access to the program. In so doing, we encourage children to remain in school and pursue education. Learn more...

Life Perspective

There are no physical limits to individual achievements. Use your imagination. Imagine the life you want to live, and live it.

Dr. Jack Ramsay - NBA Hall of Fame
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